5 Best New Orleans Ghost Tours


New Orleans is known for its fun, culture, and exciting nightlife. But did you know there is also a paranormal side to this city? New Orleans is home to many haunted locations including historic homes and cemeteries. Here are 5 of the best ghost tours in New Orleans:

Haunted Pub Crawl New Orleans

A pub crawl is a fun way to enjoy the best of New Orleans’ nightlife, with a group of friends or family. Think of it as an overnight road trip through the French Quarter, minus the driving part and with more alcohol than you can handle at once.

A ghost tour takes place in various locations throughout town but always ends back at Bourbon Street where there are plenty of bars, restaurants and entertainment options to choose from. You'll learn about the history of each spot on your tour before moving on to another landmark nearby—but don't worry because if you get tired during any part of this process then just let someone know so they can carry your heavy backpack!

Voodoo Cemetery Tour New Orleans

  • Voodoo is a religion that originated in West Africa and has been practiced in Louisiana since the 1700s. It's also known as hoodoo or voodooism, and it's very popular in New Orleans today.
  • The Voodoo Cemetery Tour is one of the most popular ghost tours around. You'll get to explore some haunted cemeteries around town while learning about voodoo history and folklore, as well as how it connects with death rituals today. This tour includes two different options: one that goes inside cemeteries (and doesn't have any special effects) or another with special effects such as firecrackers going off during your visit!
  • The Voodoo Museum & Shop offers a great way to learn more about this fascinating culture (including its history), but if you want something more interactive then try visiting their shop where they sell everything from dolls made out of chicken wire to ceremonial items like knives used by priests during ceremonies for ancestors buried underground."

Haunted Cemetery

Haunted Cemetery is a very popular tour that is usually overbooked. This ghost tour takes you around the cemetery, where many of New Orleans' famous people are buried. You'll learn about the history of this place and how it became such an important part of the city's culture.

There are several different options for this tour:

  • Walking Tour (1 hour): This option allows you to walk around at your own pace while listening to stories from your guide about each person who was buried here. It's also possible to just sit down by one grave or another for longer periods if you'd like!
  • Ghost Tour (2 hours): If you want more information about all aspects of life in New Orleans' past—including witchcraft and voodoo beliefs—then this format might be right up your alley! You'll learn everything from why so many people died during Hurricane Katrina (it's because they were trying to get away from all those zombies)

New Orleans Vampire Tour

The New Orleans Vampire Tour is the best way to learn about vampires and their history in the city. This tour guides you through hidden streets, abandoned mansions and graveyards before ending at a haunted cemetery where you can see firsthand how people were killed by these creatures.

The tour features several different experiences that will have you feeling like you are being stalked by something from beyond! You’ll start off by meeting us at our hotel or Airbnb for an early check-in (no need for reservations) before heading out into the streets of downtown New Orleans. We will show you around some local hotspots including Jackson Square and Magazine Street where we share our knowledge about all things related to this fascinating topic; then it's time for dinner! After dinner we'll head over to Lafitte Greenway Park next door but first let me tell you why this park holds such significance when it comes down memory lane: In 1715 two Frenchmen named Joseph Brouillette and Jaques de Magee were sentenced under death penalty because they had been caught red handed setting up an illegal brothel operation inside Lafitte Greenway which was also known as "The Swamp".

Afterwards we'll head over there now known today as Lady Liberty Cemetery which houses many famous people including George Washington Carver who was born here after moving here from rural Georgia during slavery times."

Haunted Cemetery Bus Tour

If you're looking for a ghost tour that's more than just a guided walk, consider this one. The Haunted Cemetery Bus Tour takes you through the city's cemeteries and graveyards, giving you an opportunity to see the city in all its glory at night. You'll pass by some of the most haunted spots in New Orleans—including Metairie Cemetery and St Louis Cemetery Number 1—and learn about what makes them so special. It's also a great way to get a feel for all of New Orleans' history by seeing how it was founded on burial grounds that once held slaves as well as free blacks who died during slavery times (or after emancipation).

Bar Crawl New Orleans

A bar crawl in New Orleans is a great way to experience the city. It's fun, it's social, and you'll get to see the city at night in a new way. You can do this with a group or alone—it doesn't matter! The best bars are in the French Quarter (like Bourbon Street), but there are also plenty around town that are worth checking out if you're looking for something different.

If you want to experience the best of New Orleans, then a ghost tour is the way to go.

If you want to experience the best of New Orleans, then a ghost tour is the way to go. Ghost tours are popular with tourists and locals alike because they give you an insider's look at the city’s history as well as its most famous ghosts. These tours are also great for meeting new people who share your interest in haunted places—you'll have lots of opportunities for socializing!


We hope you enjoyed our list of the best ghost tours in New Orleans. The city has a lot to offer for visitors, whether you are interested in history or just want to have fun with your friends and family. We recommend that you make sure that your tickets are purchased through an official tour company so that they can guarantee your safety during these events!


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